Crown of Neptune Seashell Wreath
This bountiful Crown of Neptune Seashell Wreath offers a stunning display of oceanic charms. Our mosaic seashell wreath is a veritable showcase of seashells in every size, texture and resplendent coastal color. This natural seashell wreath creates a tone of simple elegance displayed in its organic shell state. Nautical seashells are tossed about the ocean until polished to seashell ornamental perfection; which is why optimal beach house decor retains its’ purest form through natural shell displays. Seashell wall decorations or sea shell wreaths rarely require additional design enhancements like ribbons, flowers and other coastal accoutrements. Ocean wreath décor offers unsurpassed beauty in its’ purest form and so when beach house decorations are left in their unrefined state; they impart the greatest seashell art influence upon design focal points. Authentic seaside themes remain our constant guide in coastal chic decorating; as evidenced with our sea shell beach house décor which ranges from stunning sea shell wreaths to delightful sea shell collector topiaries and delicate sea shell home accents. If a handful of sea shells can captivate the senses, just think how our natural seashell wreath will enchant with this tremendous assemblage of decorated sea shells. Every seashell beach wreath is one of a kind because every seashell ornament is unique. It is almost impossible to focus upon our seashell beach wreath without feeling nautical sensations of crashing coastal waves or smelling the salty, seashore air. Our design inspiration for this stunning Crown of Neptune seashell craft wreath was to keep our sea shell home accents natural and untouched in appearance. This stunning seashell handmade wreath boasts a sturdy base of dried grapevine upon which we artfully attach more than 4 lbs of colorful, coastal seashells in a dazzling display. Continuing our unsullied sea shell beach house decor design philosophy, we completed our seashell beach wreath with wispy grapevine touches. We wanted the finished result of our natural seashell wreath to appear as if King Neptune’s very own dazzling crown of seashells washed ashore and happenstance allowed this seaside treasure to be plucked from the seashore and alighted to a new resting place upon your front door; thus showcasing every aspect of the lost crown’s seaside splendor. As one can see, this is no ordinary seashell wreath, but then again we’ve created our interior design niche by creating unique, dramatic southern design accents. Treat yourself to this spectacular mosaic seashell wreath or take advantage of our pair pricing to purchase a powerful summer wreath duo to display side-by side for an eye-catching ocean wreath décor statement. Also, be sure to shop our entire collection of summer seaside decor accent pieces for that perfect nautical addition to your home interior!
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Size: 18 In -- $100.99 + s/h
Purchase Two and Save:
$190.99 + s/h
Size: 24 In -- $129.99 + s/h
Purchase Two and Save:
$245.99 + s/h